January 30 Public Meeting

Evergreen Elementary Replacement School - Public Information and Input Meeting
On January 30, 2018 WRSD will be hosting a public meeting regarding the Evergreen Elementary School replacement project. The purpose of this meeting is:
- To update and inform our Drayton Valley School communities regarding the replacement school process.
- Inform and receive feedback regarding the initial design for the new school.
- Explain some of the constraints we will be working under. Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure have several guidelines and requirements that must be followed.
- Get feedback from the community regarding any additional desires the community may have for this new school. Examples of extras the community may be interested in could include: a larger gymnasium, a preschool, larger change rooms / showers, stage, fitness area, etc. Any extras like these would require community fundraising.
- Discuss which areas of the school would be useful to have after-hours access by the community (gym, library, kitchen servery, any classrooms).
This is an exciting opportunity for Wild Rose School Division and our Drayton Valley school community. We look forward to sharing this information with our community and receiving your feedback as we get started in planning this new school. This meeting will be held at the Max Centre at 7:00pm.