Transfer Bus from Breton to Warburg
Only students who are not currently registered to ride the bus need to register for the transfer bus. Students should be registered regardless if they will be regular riders if there is any possibility they will require this service.
Transfer Bus Registration for Warburg
Rural Busing Registration Form
If you are interested in registering your child for their rural bus route using the online form.
Rural Busing Registration - Clearwater County or Brazeau County.
Effective For The 2024/2025 School Year - In-Town Students Only
Students who are attending grades K-6 are eligible to ride the bus if they reside 1.0 km or more from their attending school, inside their attendance boundary. Students who are attending grades 7-12 are eligible to ride the bus if they reside 2.0 km or more from their attending school, inside their attendance boundary. This does not mean there will be door to door bus service, however, there will be stops placed in town that eligible students will be able to access. Bus stops are subject to change based on registrations. Please complete the correct registration form for the Town/Village that you reside in.
Urban Busing Registration - Town of Drayton Valley
Urban Busing Registration - Town of Rocky Mountain House
Urban Busing Registration - Village of Breton
Notice to our parents
Parents of eligible students who've never been transported by a Wild Rose School Division bus or who are new to the division should contact the Transportation Department at 1-800-771-0537 or 403-845-3376 to inquire about transportation services.
For students not riding - In the event your child will not be riding the bus, please contact your driver directly.
Late bus procedure - In the case of an emergency or when your bus is more than 15 minutes late, please contact your contractor.
In order to ensure the safest possible ride for students, it is necessary for Parents to be aware of the following procedures and expectations.

Bus Status App
The WRSD bus status app provides up to date information about the status of buses. Parents and students can favourite the bus routes they use and receive push notifications when those buses are delayed or cancelled. This information can also be shared through social media sites, text messages and email right from the app itself. The app is available for Android and iPhone users and can be downloaded at the iTunes store or Google Play.
School Bus Safety
Do you know your school bus safety? Watch this video to find out!
Inclement Weather
There are times during inclement weather when school buses will be cancelled for the day. For more information on how the school division decides when to cancel buses, please click here.
Transportation Services Parent Handbook
Bus Rules
The driver is in total control of the school bus at all times and students must obey them promptly and respectfully
The driver decides how students are seated. Once a seat is assigned to a student they are responsible for it and he/she will keep this seat until directed otherwise by the driver
Students are responsible for being at the bus stop on time
Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited
Classroom conduct is to be observed on the bus and any disturbance which may take the driver's attention and endanger the safe operation of the bus is prohibited
There will be no tobacco products, drugs/controlled substances, contraband or weapons on any school bus
Students will not litter on the bus or throw anything out of the bus windows
Students will not extend any part of their body out the windows
Students will remain seated when the bus is in motion
Students must leave the bus at their regular stops unless a note from the parent is presented to the driver requesting a drop-off at another regular stop
When leaving the bus, students must observe the directions of the driver and watch for traffic before crossing the road
- Students violating these expectations may be reported to the School Principal and may be suspended from riding the bus.
Director of Transportation
Kristen Disley
Telephone No: 403-845-3376
Toll Free 1-800-771-0537
Email to