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Change to the 2022-2023 School Calendar

Calendar Change Communication
June 21, 2022

At the June 20 board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved changes to the 2022-23 school calendar. In recognition of the fact that until recently, the WRSD Board required 15 additional hours of instruction per year, on top of the Alberta Education required hours, the WRSD school year calendar has been decreased by 3 days for students and 2 days for staff.

The changes include:

  • Drayton Valley & Breton Schools - November 1 becomes a staff only day
  • Rocky Mtn. House, Caroline, Charlotte Small & David Thompson Schools - November 10 becomes a staff only day
  • All schools - December 23 becomes a holiday
  • All schools - March 24 becomes a holiday

These changes have been made on the calendar that is accessible on our website at

In previous years, WRSD has always offered the equivalent of 3 extra days of instruction (beyond what is required by Alberta Education)  in order to compensate for days when buses do not operate due to impassable roads in the winter. However, with our increased use of technology over the past 2 years and since our schools remain open on days when buses do not operate, these 3 additional days are no longer necessary. All students will continue to have access to the required number of hours of instruction as mandated by Alberta Education.

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