WRSD Looking for Partnerships in Clearwater County

The current highest priority on the Wild Rose School Division capital plan is to modernize Condor School and build a new school in Leslieville that would replace the current elementary school with a high school. This plan also includes the closure of David Thompson High School by December 2021 and would result in all of the grade K-6 students in the corridor region being taught at a modernized Condor School and all the grade 7-12 students being taught at a new Leslieville High School. The division submitted this capital plan to the government this past fall and is now waiting to see if it will be approved for funding in this coming spring budget.
If this project is approved this spring, the design phase will start almost immediately. When Alberta Education/Infrastructure modernizes or builds new schools, they use very specific standards regarding the design and overall size of the school. In many cases across the province, schools and communities will choose to enhance these projects through municipal contributions and community fundraising. As such, WRSD is looking for partnerships in Clearwater County to help enhance these building projects.
On January 8, 2019 WRSD was invited to make a presentation at the Clearwater County Council meeting. At this meeting WRSD invited Clearwater County to consider a joint partnership that would enhance the capital plans for the corridor. Potential enhancements that were discussed included expanding the size of the gymnasium, library or kitchen beyond the size Alberta Education/Infrastructure builds for new schools or modernizations of our size. Other enhancements could include the space for and purchase of bleachers, a running track, playground equipment or a fitness center. These are just a few examples of enhancements that would not only benefit the students and staff of these schools but also the entire corridor community.
In addition to Clearwater County, the corridor community has also shown an interest in partnering with WRSD by forming a fundraising committee. This committee will have representation from the various community groups in the corridor region including Condor, Leslieville, Hespero, Gimlet, Aurora, Evergreen, Alhambra and Withrow. Representatives from the school councils and staff of all three corridor schools are also invited to be part of this fundraising committee along with WRSD and Clearwater County officials. The initial meeting for this fundraising committee is scheduled for February 5th at 6:30pm at the Condor Community Centre.
It is important to note that announcing and reporting to the government any confirmed partnerships in the next few weeks may also enhance the chances of our project being approved in the spring 2019. We look forward to the many opportunities these partnerships will bring.