WRSD Cancels International Field Trip

After the attacks in Belgium this morning, Wild Rose School Division has made the decision to cancel the March 23 - April 3, 2016 Frank Maddock High School international field trip to France & Spain. It is felt that at this time the threat to student safety is too high to risk sending students and staff on this planned international trip. This decision is made according to Administrative Procedure 260 section 5(l).
“Cancelling this trip so close to when our students and staff were expecting to go leaves everyone very disappointed,” stated Superintendent, Brad Volkman. “Protecting the safety of our students and staff is always a priority in WRSD. While we understand travelling carries inherent risks, the proximity and timing of these attacks resulted in our decision to cancel.”
At the November 24, 2015 Board meeting, after the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Board of Trustees chose to continue with the international field trips planned for later in the year. It was noted, that the travel security for all international field trips would be assessed closer to the date of departure. Given the proximity of the latest attacks to where these students will be travelling and the timing, it was determined that the safety and security of our students outweighed the valuable travel and educational experience of this field trip.
Moving forward WRSD will continue to support international field trips with the understanding that every field trip will be assessed individually based on safety, location, learning opportunities and the requirements outlined in Administrative Procedure 260.