WRSD Announces Edwin Parr Nominee

WRSD is excited to announce Jadeyn Leenstra as the Board’s representative for the Zone 4 Edwin Parr Award which is handed out on a yearly basis to first-year teachers who show exemplary dedication and commitment to the education of their students.
Ms. Leenstra was notified of her nomination last week and shared, "I am honoured to be chosen as the Edwin Parr nominee for the Wild Rose School Division. I am very grateful to be able to return to a rural setting and begin my teaching career in the deep-rooted community of Caroline. I am thankful for the family, educators and coworkers who continue to support me in my professional pursuits and I strive to support my students the same way. Thank you to the Wild Rose School Division and Caroline School for this opportunity!"
Jadeyn Leenstra (van der Vlis) grew-up on a farm in Clearwater County. In 2020, she received her Bachelor of Education Degree from the University of Alberta through the Red Deer College Middle Years Program. “It has always been my ambition to return to the Wild Rose School Division and teach in a rural community. I feel very fortunate to have joined the team at Caroline School and am grateful for my family and fellow educators who have supported me as I begin my teaching career."
Dean Pilipchuk, Caroline School Principal extended his congratulations to Ms. Leenstra. “On behalf of the staff and students of Caroline School, I would like to extend a huge congratulations to Jadeyn for this well-deserved nomination. Right from the first day of school, it was very clear that Jadeyn would be a special addition to our school and the teaching profession. Whether it be differentiated, engaging lesson planning, relationship building, volunteering throughout the school or collaborating with her colleagues, Jadeyn has excelled in every area.” As one of her veteran colleagues once stated, “Jadeyn is the best first year teacher I have ever seen...and I've seen a lot of first year teachers in my career!”
Dave Elwood, Director of Human Resources says, “Jadeyn is an excellent example of a well prepared first year teacher. She has taken what she has learned in university and applied it to the classroom and this is making for great learning experiences for the students! Jadeyn’s willingness to learn and grow as a professional is extremely refreshing. Her positive impact at Caroline School continues to ensure student learning is first and foremost in each classroom she is leading.”
A recognition event will be held for all nominees from each division and a zone winner will be selected from those nominees. Zone 4 is made up of eight Central Alberta school divisions: Battle River, Chinook’s Edge, Red Deer Catholic Regional, Red Deer Public, Wetaskiwin Regional, Wild Rose and Wolf Creek School Divisions.
The award is named after Edwin Parr, who served as the Board Chair of the Athabasca school division, and as the president of the Alberta School Trustees’ Association (now the Alberta School Board Association) from 1956 until 1962. When he passed away in 1963, the association established an annual honour in his name the following year.