WRSD 2021-2022 At Home Learning

WRSD 2021-22 At-Home Learning Announcement
As we close the 2020-21 school year, WRSD has had a chance to reflect on our At-Home Learning (AHL) program that was made available to students and families with pre-existing health concerns this past school year related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on current information from the Government of Alberta, we are anticipating that the 2021-22 school year will more closely resemble a typical, non-pandemic school year. As such, we will no longer have the need to offer an at-home learning program that is specifically tailored to address the health concerns of families during a pandemic.
However, we did observe during this past school year, some students who greatly thrived in this at-home learning environment. These students tended to be self-starters who were very engaged in all of the on-line lessons offered by their teachers. They also had parental support, a quiet place to work and the necessary technology tools in their homes. These students completed assignments, made good choices regarding their time and experienced academic success. We believe that this on-line blended academy may also be of great interest and benefit to students who this past year enrolled in other homeschooling programs across the province.
As such, and if there are sufficient registrations, WRSD has decided to offer an on-line blended academy for the 2021-22 school year for grade 4-9 students only. WRSD will not be offering an at-home learning program for students in grades K-3. High school students that desire increased flexibility in their learning can continue to do so by registering in one of our two outreach schools: Visions West Outreach School in Rocky Mountain House or Drayton Valley Community Outreach School in Drayton Valley.
This new WRSD On-Line Blended Academy will be offered by the Drayton Valley Community Outreach School. Please note that this program will only be made available to students in grades 4-9 who meet the necessary requirements and only if there is enough interest. Registering in this academy requires a minimum one-year commitment as it may not be possible to transfer back to one of our regular schools mid-year.
Please see the following documents for further information and registration. The registration deadline is June 21 and we will confirm by June 29th if there is enough interest to offer this on-line blended academy.