Wild Rose School Division Re-Entry Update

The past 3 months have been extremely challenging for our students, parents and staff due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone has been forced to adjust very quickly to new ways of teaching, learning and communicating. Thank you to everyone for your part in supporting our children and youth in terms of their ongoing learning and overall wellness during this time.
The re-entry plan for Wild Rose School Division will be based on direction from Alberta Education and Alberta Health Services. The provincial government has provided three possible scenarios for the start of the 2020-21 school year:
- Scenario 1: Near-normal school operations resume with students returning to daily in-school classes with some health measures.
- Scenario 2: In-school classes resume partially with additional health measures.
- Scenario 3: Teacher-directed at-home learning continues. Students are not at school.
On August 1 the government will announce which scenario will be used to start the school year.
While the government anticipates scenario one will be in place for September, they have asked school divisions to be prepared for all three scenarios.
Regardless of which scenario is mandated, WRSD is committed to the following guiding principles:
- The safety and well-being of students and staff is the top priority.
- WRSD will follow the protocols established by Alberta Education, Alberta Health Services and the Chief Medical Officer.
- Students and staff who are vulnerable may require individualized accommodations.
- Students will have quality learning opportunities that are guided by Alberta Education and the provincial Programs of Study.
- Staff will have access to the professional learning, collaboration and support needed to deliver quality learning opportunities.
- Parents are the primary decision-makers with respect to what they believe is in the best interest of their children.
The following general considerations are being planned for in terms of re-entry:
Scenario 1: Regular Operations
- All students will be able to attend classes each day with some additional health measures i.e) enhanced hygiene and cleaning requirements, strict stay-at-home policy for anyone exhibiting symptoms, risk mitigation for high traffic areas of the school, and physical distancing where possible.
- Teacher directed, at-home learning will need to continue for some students and families that may not feel comfortable returning or aren’t able to return due to health concerns.
Scenario 2: Partial Reopening
- In this scenario additional health measures and physical distancing requirements will be increased and may lead to limitations to the number of students in classrooms and on buses as well as the number of days each week students are able to attend.
- Teacher directed, at-home learning will need to continue for some students and families that may not feel comfortable returning or aren’t able to return due to health concerns.
Scenario 3: At-Home Learning
- In this scenario, schools would be closed to all students. Students would receive teacher directed, at home instruction, much the same as the past 3 months.
- The number and length of assignments given each week and requirements for students to pass their courses will need to be revisited.
- We are committed to refining our online instructional practices in order to maximize student learning.
In all three scenarios, social/emotional support for staff, students and families will be paramount.
The Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees and Senior Leadership Team team are working in collaboration with the provincial government, other school jurisdictions and our school teams to come up with the best approach to the three scenarios. Please know that all decisions will follow guidance and direction from the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Alberta Education.
We continue to be thankful for your support, patience and understanding as we move forward with our plans for re-entry into the 2020-21 school year. We miss you and look forward to seeing everyone in our schools once again in the near future.