Wild Rose School Division Board Supports Decision to Not Pilot New Curriculum

After careful consideration and consultation, the WRSD Board of Trustees would like to reaffirm the decision of the Administration to refrain from piloting the draft K-6 curriculum for the 2021-2022 school year. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused considerable teacher and student fatigue, making the timing inappropriate to pivot to a new curriculum.
Although COVID is a factor in the decision not to pilot, it is not the only consideration WRSD has deliberated. WRSD believes that:
- Timelines are far too short to provide adequate time for feedback and preparation for full implementation.
- The curriculum is lacking a K-12 scope and sequence.
- The Guiding Framework for the Design and Development of Kindergarten to Grade 12 Provincial Curriculum does not provide the strong guidance and basis for a comprehensive, manageable, and most importantly, modern curriculum.
- The curriculum is too content and rote learning heavy. There is not enough critical thinking or room for local context, creativity and choice. This is especially a concern for students with complex needs. This curriculum does not allow room for multiple ways of thinking or moving at your own pace.
- In many cases the draft curriculum learning outcomes are not age or developmentally appropriate.
Russ Hickman, WRSD Board Chair commented, “The draft curriculum lacks the potential to fulfill the vision, principles, and values that are the foundation of the educational system in Alberta.” Although Wild Rose School Division supports the foundational structure of the draft curriculum in its use of organizing ideas, guiding questions and learning outcomes, we believe this draft curriculum should be returned to the drafting stage with greater involvement from teachers and subject area specialists for the reasons stated above. We look forward to working with our teachers to implement a new curriculum when it is ready for all learners. In the meantime, we are committed to focussing on the current learning and wellness needs of our students and staff as we navigate the ongoing public health crisis.
Alberta Education's draft K-6 Curriculum is currently open for public input. Wild Rose School Division encourages all interested stakeholders to give their input by completing the following Government of Alberta survey. (https://extranet.gov.ab.ca/opinio6//s?s=public2021EN)
To view the draft curriculum please visit: www.alberta.ca/curriculum.