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Wellness in WRSD 2014 Interactive Web Report

This fall we invited our communities to share their thoughts about student wellness: how we support it and how we can support it better. We then invited our community to review and prioritize the thoughts of others by placing stars next to the ideas that were most important to them. Our goal was to get a sense of shared values and priorities from our schools and community. 

We're excited to report that we had 467 stakeholders respond. They shared 1,111 thoughts and assigned 16,615 stars to their top priorities. According to Darlene Ferris, the Director of Wellness in our division, "the health and wellness of our students is always a priority in the work we do here in our schools and programs. The information will help our students, parents and community partners as we continue to work together to maintain and improve the quality of wellness here in WRSD." While we are still reviewing the wealth of information, we encourage you to start digging into the results here:

Your feedback is vital to ensuring we develop well-rounded and healthy students. If you were one of the many people that participated, we thank you for taking the time to contribute your thoughts and priorities. 

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