Thank you Canadian Geographic and Brazeau Keyera Corp!

It is with great appreciation and thanks that Wild Rose School Division’s Indigenous Education Team acknowledges support from both Canadian Geographic and Brazeau Keyera Corp in the purchase of two Indigenous Peoples Atlas’s of Canada giant floor maps. This map shows the locations of Indigenous communities, residential schools, reserves and more. Rather than showing political borders, Canada is broken up into Indigenous language groups. This map highlights stories from Canada’s past about the movement and relocation of peoples which have shaped the nation we live in today. This map was created in collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Metis Nation, and the National Center for Truth and Reconciliation. This map will be used to support both teachers and students in understanding of historical events and current contextual realities which have impacted First Nations, Metis and Inuit people and its effect on student learning.