TBAC June 2021 Joint Press Release

June 7, 2021
The Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees and Timberline Teachers want to express our appreciation and gratitude for the outstanding work and dedication exemplified by all Wild Rose School Division employees during one of the most challenging school years ever.
The 2020-21 school year has been like no other with many difficult and often confusing public health measures to implement, resulting in many additional hours beyond the regular working day for cleaning, planning, contact tracing and communication with stakeholders. Several shifts between in-school and at-home learning added additional complexities, the most challenging of which occurred when schools had a mix of both in-school and at-home instruction to deliver at the same time. Despite these difficulties, everyone in the Wild Rose School Division worked together to continue providing our students with a powerful learning environment.
On behalf of the Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees and Timberline Local #9, we thank all WRSD employees from each of our employee groups and are confident that together we have not only survived a very difficult school year, but have thrived and grown as a result. We look forward to a well deserved summer break and a renewed enthusiasm for the 2021-22 school year that will hopefully look and feel like a more typical school year.
Russell Hickman, Board Chair Mike Wheeler, President Timberline Local 9
Wild Rose School Division of the Alberta Teachers Association