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2015 Retirement & Long Service Celebration

Our Retirement & Long Service Celebration was held on Friday, June 12. This event is a special night for WRSD as we say, "Thank You," to all of our employees for their time, passion and commitment. We were happy to recognize at the event: 
- Fourteen staff members for 20 years of service
- Eight staff members for 25 years of service
- Four staff members for 30 years of service
- Two staff members for 35 years of service. 

We also recognized the outstanding work of our 11 retirees; Brian Celli, Judy cochrane, Russ Hickman, Shellie Jones, Gordon Majeran, Barb McNair, Gloria Overguard, Mark Smith, Mary Tourneur, Bettie Van't Bosch and Terry Zuber. You can read more about these incredible individuals here.

Listed below are all of the recipients of our 2015 Long Service Awards. 

35 Years of Service

  • Karen Daisley
  • Kathleen Gordon

30 Years of Service

  • Jane Huhn
  • Diane Sell
  • Mark Smith
  • Jeanette Von Hollen

25 Years of Service

  • Marilyn Butterwick
  • Barry Dodd
  • Lora Gatzke
  • Liane Huson
  • Shellie Jones
  • Theresa Kostiuk
  • Claire Sather
  • Denice Van Gils

20 Years of Service

  • Lisa Bailey
  • Wieslawa Demczuk
  • Scott Kupsch
  • Linda Lange
  • Denise Legeas
  • Joanne Lewis
  • Barb Lotnick
  • Susan McMeekin
  • Charlene Reich
  • Todd Sommerfeld
  • Betty Tischer
  • Lena Tissen
  • Lynda Wahl
  • Stacey Wigley

15 Years of Service 

  • Zina Claffey
  • Bobbie-Jo Douglas
  • Carolyn Dressler
  • Clare Edwards
  • Brent Eklund
  • Jeni Gallichan
  • Shellie Gruninger
  • Carolyn Kessla
  • Bonnie Liefke
  • Ruth MacGillivray
  • Barbara McNair
  • Bonnie Neal
  • Greg Powlik
  • Jim Vickers

10 Years of Service

  • Corine Basaraba
  • Dawn Bolton
  • Judy Cochrane
  • Darrel Curry
  • Christopher Egeto
  • Linda Eftodie
  • Dean Halverson
  • Joanna Head
  • Susan Kanten
  • Teresa Karach
  • Dayna Landry
  • Karen Martin
  • Yvonne Moberg
  • Barb Morton
  • Dean Pilipchuk
  • Dean Ruston
  • Sean Stepney
  • Brenda White
  • Rose Zalasky


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