Organizational Review Brings Changes to WRSD Division Office

Last year Wild Rose School Division faced a very challenging 2016-17 budget that involved layoffs in a number of schools and departments. This resulted in a balanced budget for the first time after seven consecutive years of deficit spending. In the upcoming weeks, WRSD will be advertising to fill three positions. Each of these hires will replace existing positions within WRSD and help increase efficiency to maintain a balanced budget in the years ahead. The number of full-time equivalent positions in Division Office will not increase as a result of these changes. Overall the dollars being spent on Division Office positions will be reduced through these changes.
- Director of Human Resources: Wild Rose School Division has had a vacant Associate Superintendent position since April 2016. During this vacancy, the senior leadership team conducted a review of the WRSD organizational chart and senior leadership duties. It has been determined that the vacant Associate Superintendent position will be replaced with a Director of Human Resources.
- Communications Coordinator: For the past five years, WRSD has employed a full-time CAAMSE Administrative Specialist to fulfill the communications role. In cooperation with CAAMSE, it has been determined that this position is better suited outside of the CAAMSE Administrative Specialist role due to the expanding role and responsibilities involved in this position. Due to the close working relationship this position has with our schools, it has been determined that the Communications Coordinator position will not be needed during six weeks of summer when schools are closed. As such, this former full-time Administrative Specialist position will be replaced by a 0.8 full-time equivalent Communications Coordinator.
- Coordinator of Literacy, Numeracy and English Language Learners: Currently these roles have been split between three different teachers and two separate budgets. For the purpose of increased efficiency and effectiveness, we have decided to put these roles together into one full-time position under one budget. Combined with a reduction in the number of division office Flex teachers for 2017-18, the overall result will be a small reduction in the number of full-time equivalent certified positions within Division Office.
Over the past three years, student enrollment in Wild Rose School Division has declined by 184 full-time equivalent students. During this same three year period, Division Office based positions have been reduced by approximately eight full-time equivalent positions. The changes and efficiencies described above will contribute to a balanced budget for the 2017-18 school year. This is in keeping with our ongoing commitment to ensure effective supports to our students and staff while at the same time putting as many resources as possible directly into our classrooms.