October 26, 2021 Board Highlights

Organizational Meeting
At the October 26, 2021 organizational meeting, Daryl Scott was declared board chair and Heidi Hetherington was declared vice chair. Trustees also made appointments for representation on the Board Committees. The Board reviewed and approved the 2021-2022 Board Meeting Dates, and the 2021-2022 Board Work Plan. They also discussed trustee responsibilities to WRSD when serving on other committees to avoid conflicts of interest.
Policy Committee
The new board made a change to the terms of reference for the Policy Committee, so that it will consist of the Vice-Chair and up to three other trustees. The Policy Committee reviews all of our policies on a yearly basis and makes recommended changes to the Board.
AERR & Three Year Education Plan
The Superintendent reviewed the Draft 2020-2021 AERR with the board and asked for any feedback. This will be brought back to the November meeting for approval. The Board also made a motion to form an ad hoc committee to identify organizations in our communities for the purpose of creating and enhancing student learning, in accordance with our 2021-2024 Education Plan.
- National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, Health & Safety, New WRSD Board of Trustees, OHS Inspections, Learning Disruption Grant, CASS Curriculum Feedback Process, Capital Project Update, Student Support Services.