November 23, 2021 Board Meeting Highlights

Vaccination Status or Test Administrative Procedure
The Board began their discussion of this issue after receiving a letter from the Ministers of Education and Health on October 5, 2021. They continued their research by initiating an extensive review process, and included stakeholder feedback before passing a motion
to address covid vaccine measures including choice of vaccination or negative covid test in a manner that ensures accessibility and to be reviewed as needed. The full news release can be read here, and you can watch the livestream of the meeting on our Youtube channel.
AERR and Audited Financial Statements
The Board reviewed and approved the 2020-2021 Annual Education Results Report. The board also reviewed the Audited Financial Statements as presented by BDO Canada LLP, and the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance and approved them.
IMR Expenditures and Costs Report
The Director of Maintenance and Facilities presented the IMR Expenditures Plan for 2021-2022 and the IMR costs report for 2020-2021 school year. He explained how projects are prioritized and the difference between two grants the division receives from Alberta Education - Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal (IMR) and Capital Maintenance and Renewal (CMR).
Suspension of Achievement Tests and Diploma Exams
The board shared a letter that the Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools Board sent to the Minister of Education requesting that these exams be suspended for the 2021-2022 school year. Based on feedback administration has had from our schools, the board will also write a letter to the Minister supporting this suspension.
- WRSD Average Class Size Data, Early Learning Disruption Grant, Land Based Learning Cart Pilot, New Curriculum Review, Professional Learning, New Funding Announced for Alberta Students with FASD, Capital Projects Update, Early Learning, Student Services.