Nordegg School Considers Reopening

Wild Rose School Division is considering reopening Nordegg School for the 2017-18 school year. Potentially the school would offer Kindergarten to grade 6 on a daily basis in a one-room school environment with one full-time teacher. Besides offering the regular Alberta Program of Studies Nordegg School will use the natural and historical elements of the area. Using the outdoors, project-based learning and flexible learning environments, the Nordegg school will provide some unique programming.
In order for this to happen, we first need to find out how much interest there is in terms of student registration. As such, we are inviting parents to register their children in Nordegg School for the 2017-18 school year. Please complete the online student registration form and return it to the Wild Rose School Division Education Centre before March 10, 2017. Alternatively, registration forms can be picked up at the Division Education Centre. With enough enrollment, a long-term commitment to a K-6 program may be possible.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Wild Rose School Division at 403-845-3376.