News Release - November 1, 2021 Special Board Meeting Highlights

At a special Board meeting on November 1, 2021 the Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees met to discuss a letter from the Ministers of Education and Health encouraging all Alberta school divisions to adopt policies requiring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test for any adult who enters a school.
At this meeting, the Board heard from three delegations, each of which are current employees of WRSD. A fourth delegation regarding vaccinations was made by a Medical Officer of Health for Alberta Health Services, Central Zone. Following these four delegations, the Superintendent of Schools reviewed the following information with the Board:
- WRSD COVID-19 hazard assessment
- Employee and public input received
- Legal considerations
- Operational risks
- Practical considerations
- Decisions of neighbouring school divisions
The Associate Superintendent of Business and Finance reviewed insurance implications.
The Board chose not to make a motion at this time. They decided they needed more time to reflect on what they had heard and to continue monitoring what is happening across the province and in our school division in this regard. As such, this topic will be the first order of business at the Board's next monthly Board meeting scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on November 23, 2021. This meeting will be livestreamed at this link. You can also see a recording of the November 1 meeting at that same link.
The Board desires to be careful, thoughtful and data driven before making a final decision. Student and staff safety and keeping our schools open will continue to be the Board's top priority.