Message from WRSD's Board of Trustees

Much is expected of our schools because, to secure our future, much is required.
None more than today. WRSD teachers, principals, educational assistants, maintenance, drivers, support staff, and senior administration have been asked to perform extraordinary duties in extraordinary conditions during extraordinary times. The spirit and determination with which these duties have been performed is an inspiration our division and communities can celebrate. Thank you.
In the better times ahead, when reflecting back, let’s remember our pulling together, our common goals and our common values that empowered us to do our best for our students, families and communities in these uncommon times. Let’s celebrate the strength our shared path gave us throughout this emergency and pledge to teach all the lessons of this time to our healthy, future generations.
The WRSD Board of Trustees is proud of you, appreciates you, and values you. We wish you good health and success.