June 20, 2022 Board Highlights

Organizational Meeting
For a second term, the Board elected Daryl Scott as chair for the Board, and Heidi Hetherington as vice chair for the upcoming school year. At this annual meeting the Board reviewed potential trustee conflicts of interest and made a change to the Division’s mileage rate so that it is in alignment with the federal mileage rate. The Board also reviewed and approved the Board Committees and the 2022-2023 Board Work Plan. For the 2022-2023 school year, the board has scheduled five of their regular board meetings virtually, to further their commitment to saving costs where possible.
2022-2023 School Calendar
The Deputy Superintendent proposed changes to the 2022-2023 School Calendar, partially in response to the feedback the board received during their Board School tours. The changes to the calendar will see a decrease of three days, two operational, and three instructional. In previous years, WRSD has always offered the equivalent of three extra days of instruction, beyond what is required by Alberta Education, to compensate for days when buses do not operate due to cold weather. However, with the increased use of technology, these extra days are no longer necessary. These mostly align with calendars from the school boards that we have transportation agreements with, which will result in some cost savings.
International Field Trips
The Board gave approval in principle to the Frank Maddock High School International Field Trip to the US Eastern Seaboard during spring break 2023, and final approval to the Frank Maddock High School International Field trip to Indianapolis in July 2022.
Superintendent’s Report
- Teacher Board Advisory committee, health & Safety Committee, Recent Government of Alberta Funding Announcements, Grade 7 Tipi Teachings, Umbrella School Council Meeting, Village of Caroline Joint Meeting, learning Disruption Grant, 2022 - 2023 Public Health Nursing and Immunization Program in Schools, Capital Project(s) Update.