July 21 Re-Entry Update

Wild Rose School Division Re-Entry Update
July 23, 2020
This afternoon, the Government of Alberta has officially announced their decision to start the 2020-21 school year using scenario 1. This means that daily in-school classes for all schools in Wild Rose School Division will resume for all students effective August 31, 2020.
This scenario includes several new provincial safety strategies aimed at reducing the potential spread of COVID-19. In general these strategies include:
- hand hygiene & respiratory etiquette
- physical distancing
- use of cohorts
- increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection
- having staff and students stay home when ill.
Wild Rose School Division divisional administration will be meeting with all of our school administrators in the coming days to review the re-entry documents provided by the government. From these documents we will be finalizing specific re-entry guidelines for all WRSD schools, students, staff and parents that will provide a greater understanding of what school will look like starting the 2020-21 school year and what we will be doing to help protect our students and staff. In the meantime, please feel free to see the following sources of information regarding the K-12 re-entry of Alberta students:
- Alberta Education 2020-21 School Re-Entry Plan
- Alberta Education Re-Entry: Scenario 1 Guidance
- Parents’ Guide: 2020-21 School Year
- Return to School Videos for Parents
Please be assured that the safety and well-being of students and staff continues to be our top priority and we will continue to follow the protocols established by Alberta Education, Alberta Health Services and the Chief Medical Officer.
We plan to have our Re-entry Guidelines completed and posted on the WRSD website, school websites and social media sites by August 7, 2020. Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we move forward with our plans for re-entry for the 2020-21 school year. We are looking forward to having all of our students and staff back together again for the start of the 2020-21 school year.