Impact of 2015-2016 School Year Enrollment Numbers

This year Wild Rose School Division had a loss of 84.5 students compared to our spring projections. The majority of this decline was in our northern schools but a small decrease in the south was also seen. Losing these students means a direct loss of $764,000 to the estimated WRSD spring 2015 budget.
“Despite the loss in our overall student body we remain committed to providing high level education and I am confident our schools will continue to succeed,” stated Superintendent, Brad Volkman. “The Division and our schools had planned for a slight decrease in student enrollment and will continue working together to meet our students needs.”
The loss of students will result in a deficit for the 2015 fall budget. This deficit will be subsidised by the Board of Trustees Operating Reserves. This means WRSD will maintain current staffing levels according to our anticipated spring budget. Support to our schools will remain strong to ensure our students and communities continue to receive the education they expect.
“The Board understands the economic reality central Alberta is currently facing and has mandated to our schools principals to be considerate of outstanding school fees,” stated Mae Tryon, WRSD Chairperson. “Schools have set up flexible payment plans, to assist families with economic problems here in WRSD we want all of our students to have access to quality education.”
Moving forward WRSD remains optimistic enrollment numbers will start to increase. However this increase will depend on the economic climate for central Alberta. A revised budget to for the fall of 2015 will be submitted to Alberta Education. For more information please contact Nathan Klosse at 403-845-3376 or