Feedback Wanted on Administrative Procedure Review

Over the past three months, WRSD conducted a detailed review of all our Administrative Procedures. This has been done with the help of a consultant from the Alberta School Boards Association. The overall results of this work will ensure our Administrative Procedures are based on best practice and are in compliance with the School Act.
We are now at the stage where we would like to receive feedback from our staff, parents, students and community members. The link below will take you to a document showing which proposed APs would be new, deleted, changed significantly or not changed. You can read a specific proposed Administrative Procedure by clicking on the AP number located on the far left of each row. If it is an AP we had before you can also click on our current AP that would be replaced by the proposed AP. This can be found in the second column of each row. In this way, comparisons can be made between the current AP and the proposed AP.
Please note that several of the forms listed in the proposed APs still need to be built and linked. We will be accepting feedback on the proposed APs throughout the summer and until September 30, 2017. Our goal is to have the proposed APs come into effect by October 23, 2017.
Click here to view the review.
Please email your feedback directly to Brad Volkman, Superintendent of Schools, at