Evergreen Elementary Hosts Flag Ceremony

Earlier this month, Evergreen Elementary School proudly hosted a flag ceremony to celebrate their new building. Principal Andrea Hodges-Payne ordered a Canadian flag from Mr. Gerald Soroka, MP, and an Alberta flag from MLA Mr. Mark Smith. Also in attendance to witness the occasion were the WRSD board members including Board Chair, Mr. Russ Hickman, Trustee Mr. Daryl Scott and Trustee Ms. Mae Tryon; Mr. Micheal Doerksen, Mayor of Drayton Valley, and Brazeau County Councillor, Ms. Donna Wiltse. Mr. Dave Elwood, Director of Human Resources, represented the Wild Rose School Division Office. Grade four teachers and students rounded out the guest list. Evergreen Elementary School is honoured to fly these new flags, and very thankful for the support received from the community. An official grand opening for Evergreen Elementary School will be announced in the Spring of 2021.