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DTHS Opening

With the new year, comes further excitement as we anticipate the opening of the new David Thompson High School. Despite the efforts of the general contractor, the completion and transfer of the new school was delayed due to material and equipment shortages and delivery delays. WRSD is closely monitoring the work progress and is planning for a transition date for staff and students to ensure student safety and minimize educational disruptions. Our hope is that once students and staff are in the building, there will be minimal disruption due to work still needing to be completed.

The last day for students at the current building will be Friday, February 17, 2023. Division staff will be working with the school staff to move during the week. To assist with the transition, there will be no school for David Thompson students on Monday, February 27. The first day for students at the new school will be Tuesday, February 28. Charlotte Small School will still have school on February 27. 

The final stage of the David Thompson Solution project is the demolition of the existing David Thompson High School building, remediation of the sewage lagoon and removal of most other site amenities.  It is anticipated that this work will be completed over the next year.

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