Feedback Requested for Draft of Policy 20

The WRSD Policy Committee has completed the first draft of Policy 20: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning and Working Environments. This policy addresses the Board's obligation and commitment to sections 45.1 and 16.1 of the School Act. It also addresses the Minister of Education's requirement regarding the Board's responsibility to our LGBTQ community. The policy also references the Alberta Education Guidelines for Best Practice which can be read here.
Prior to the Board finalizing and approving this policy WRSD is looking for feedback from our staff, students, parents and communities. If you would like to attend a meeting to provide us with your feedback, the draft policy will be discussed at upcoming school council meetings. Please contact your school of interest if you would like to attend.
Schools in WRSD will also be working with their junior high and high school students to ensure their feedback is heard. If you would like to submit written feedback upon reviewing the first draft of Policy 20 please click here, feedback will be accepted until March 5, 2016.
On March 9 the Policy Committee will review the feedback we receive and make any final edits. The policy will then be taken to the Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees for approval at their March 15, 2016 meeting.
Thank you in advance for taking part in this process and for helping Wild Rose School Division ensure we are providing a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning and working environment for all of our students and staff.