David Thompson High School Modernization Encounters Design Issue

Over the last month as planning around the David Thompson High School (DTHS) Modernization has progressed, it has become clear that the existing lagoon is deficient and will need to be updated as part of the school modernization.
Since finding out about the lagoon problem, Wild Rose School Division and Clearwater County have been meeting together to decide the best course of action for everyone involved. This consists of looking into alternative options for an underground sewage lagoon, alternative options for above ground sewage treatment options and frequent clarification from technicians and consultants about the sewage lagoon issue.
Additional funding was requested by WRSD from Alberta Education to support the operational costs associated with sewage holding tanks. This request was not in the original modernization package and currently, Alberta Education does not have the funding to meet this request.
Due to the substantial planning that has already taken place and recommendations made by Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure, Wild Rose School Division is requesting the following from Alberta Infrastructure, Alberta Education and Clearwater County:
- The continuation of the DTHS Modernization Project with a new plan for a temporary and long-term solution for the current septic field issue. The temporary solution will be to use septic tanks instead of a sewage lagoon. This will give Clearwater County and Wild Rose School Division time to work together and plan a long term solution.
- The new temporary sewage holding tanks are not required to be emptied on a daily basis.
- That the project timing is changed to start construction in the spring of 2018. The additional time will allow for:
- The completion of the current construction documents
- Completion of negotiations with Clearwater County for a long-term sewage solution
- Ensure an adequate tender timeline
- Allow Contractors to schedule work at the beginning of their season providing more competitive pricing compared to late season construction
- Reduced costs compared to winter construction of the gymnasium
Our goal is to ensure the modernization of DTHS fits the local area's needs in the present and future.