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COVID Update - April 14, 2022

On March 1, 2022 the Government of Alberta began to ease public health measures related to COVID-19. This included a removal of the mask mandate at all schools and a return to normal school operations in terms of student assemblies and all other school gatherings. 

In the weeks and months prior to these changes, our school division was typically averaging 15%-20% student absences each day. Since the easing of restrictions on March 1, we continue to see 15%-20% of our students absent from school each day. Prior to COVID, our absence rates were typically below 10% on any given day.  In terms of staffing, our schools continue to find it challenging to find enough substitute and casual workers when their regular staff are away. 

Based on this data and given that COVID-19 continues to be very easily spread, we would like to remind everyone to continue following these important health practices:

  • Regular hand hygiene throughout the day
  • Respiratory etiquette (i.e. cover your cough)
  • Continued support and encouragement for students and staff who want to or need to wear a mask
  • And most important…..stay home when feeling sick.  This is the most significant thing we can all do to minimize the spread of any illness at school. Before leaving home, staff (including substitute teachers), children/students, visitors and volunteers who will access the school for work or education, are expected to self-screen for symptoms each day that they enter the school using the applicable checklist for their age group. For further information regarding what to do if you test positive, have symptoms or are exposed to COVID-19, please see the following link.

In terms of our facilities, increased air exchange, enhanced cleaning and disinfection of high touch surfaces continues to take place. 

While we are very thankful to be back to normal school operations, we also know how important student and staff attendance is to student success at school. As such, we are asking everyone to continue following the health measures listed above in order to increase the overall attendance, learning and wellbeing of all students and staff at school. Thank you for your support in this important matter.

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