Covid-19 Update - August 25, 2021

At their August 24, 2021 public board meeting, the Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees had an important discussion regarding the Alberta government’s health guidelines for schools for the 2021-22 school year. This discussion included the possibility of the Board implementing additional health measures beyond the current government guidelines. At the end of the discussion the Board chose to not implement any additional measures at this time. This means that all schools in Wild Rose School Division will continue to follow the health guidelines provided by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer. The Chief Medical Officer and Alberta Health Services have stated that they will continue to follow the science and the data regarding COVID-19 and will adjust these health measures as needed. For a summary of these provincial measures please see: 2021-22 Health Guidelines for Schools. To view a recording of the Board’s August 24 discussion on this topic, please see the following link. The Board stated that if circumstances change they reserve the right to reconsider their decision.
Although masks are not currently mandated in our schools for the start of the 2021-22 school year, the government has mandated that all students, staff and visitors must wear a mask while on the school bus. This includes all students from Kindergarten to grade 12. The Board also wants to make it very clear that our schools will continue to support all students, parents and visitors who choose to wear a mask in school. Health measures that will continue to be in place in all WRSD schools include: proper ventilation, enhanced cleaning, staying home when sick, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
Vaccines have shown a significant level of protection against severe outcomes from COVID-19.
As such, the Board continues to encourage all eligible individuals to be vaccinated for COVID-19 as soon as possible.
Student and staff safety continue to be the top priority of the WRSD Board of Trustees. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the start of the 2021-22 school year, we encourage you to contact us at: