Corridor Schools - Update

Wild Rose School Division is pleased to announce the Alberta Government has approved the David Thompson High School Corridor solution - modernization of Condor school, replacement (high school) in Leslieville and closure of David Thompson High School.
“I’m happy for our students and families in the Condor and Leslieville communities'', stated Board Chair, Russ Hickman. “Their determination to educate their children in Corridor schools was a big reason for this good news today. These new and modernized schools will be a community asset for generations to come. Thank you to those Condor and Leslieville area community members that attended public meetings and participated in the value management process. Your voice was heard and appreciated. A big thank you to Clearwater County for their critical support in making sure the sites for these projects were ready to go. The journey to this moment has been long. Past and present boards, superintendents and secretary-treasurers have all pushed this rock up the hill. I look forward to seeing the results of our labour. Congratulations.”
The Board would like to express the utmost sincere appreciation to our partners in Alberta Education, Alberta Infrastructure and Alberta Municipal Affairs. Thanks to the community, Clearwater County, Division staff and the Alberta government, the Board can ensure the K-12 students in the Corridor will continue to receive an excellent education in modern school facilities that support 21st century learning and program delivery.