Construction Projects Update

November 26, 2015
- Lochearn School - Construction has moved along at Lochearn with the gym floor reaching completion on Wednesday night. The next step will be to complete the installation of the baseboard in the gym. The Gym is expected to be ready for occupancy on Monday.
- Evergreen - Construction has continued on the connecting link as well as the skirting for the modulars. Once the link is nears completion, the electrical and mechanical services can be ran through into the modulars. This will give the modulars heat and lights on the interior. Measuring of interior equipment has taken place. With the construction of this equipment going to be completed off site and delivered by early January. Temporary measures are being developed to accommodate for schedule delays with the interior equipment should they occur.
November 6, 2015
- Lochearn School - Construction progressed this week at Lochearn with the arrival of necessary materials that had been delayed due to availability. Construction on the gym roof tiles, electrical lights and final touches is estimated to be completed next week. Once this is finished the floor installation can start which is estimated to be finished by November 27. Click here to view the new gym floor layout.
- Evergreen - Two of the four modulars have been delivered to Evergreen School. The final two our on transit and will be delivered today. Once delivered the modulars will be placed and construction will begin immediately to get them ready for students. We are still estimating a late December completion date.
October 30, 2015
- Lochearn School - Construction on the school roof is nearing completion with the final walkthrough scheduled for Monday, November 2. Materials for the gym floor have been delivered to the site and are adjusting to the environment in order to be placed. It was previously estimated that the floor would be completed by the end of October. However due to the roofing lights and electric being sold out, this unexpected delay has pushed this estimate back to the end of November. The ceiling restoration needs to be finished prior to any gym floor installation.
- Evergreen - The four modulars will be shipped and delivered on site for the first week of November. The screw piles have been placed and the link pad is done. We will continue to work towards completion as soon as possible and are currently estimating a late December completion date.
- Aurora Traffic Loop - Work on the final small pieces of construction has been completed with the fence on the south side being finished. The entry into the staff parking lot will be paved in the spring.
- Drayton Valley Bus Hub - Construction work on the bus hub has been completed. The next step will be to continue working with WRSD stakeholders to finalize an operational and implementation plan for the Bus Hub. Test runs are expected to take place in November and December to ensure the Bus Hub is operating efficiently.
October 13, 2015
- Lochearn School - The roofing membrane is now complete. Work still needs to be done on the metal flashings and other minor details but should be complete by October 16. At this point, materials for the gym floor have been delivered to the site. It is estimated the gym floor work and remaining gym repairs will be complete at the end of October.
- Evergreen - The foundation for the connecting link is expected to be completed by October 16. Once the supporting structure of the modulars can be confirmed (during the week of October 16-19), the piles for the modular classrooms will be placed. We will continue to work towards completion as soon as possible and are currently estimating a late December completion date.
- Aurora Traffic Loop - The majority of the work on this loop has been completed. However work still needs to be done on the entry into the staff parking lot and the fence around the south side of the staff parking lot.
- Drayton Valley Bus Hub - The lines and stall numbers are painted on the pavement. Currently the completion date is estimated for October 15.
September 23, 2015
- Lochearn School update - Despite the delayed startup due to unforeseen renovation issues, most of the construction is anticipated to be complete by the second week of October for the school roof and gymnasium floor. The remaining minor work is on schedule to be completed by the end of October. During this construction process air quality tests were performed prior to opening the school. The results of these tests were made public and can be found on the WRSD website.
- Evergreen update - Currently, the demolition of the old modulars is underway and forecasted to be complete by end of September. As part of the demolition process Prologic conducted a hazardous material assessment of the modulars before demolition. No hazardous materials were found. While the initial schedule indicated a completion date of October 31. Due to a later than expected start date the contractor has indicated that the the end of November is more likely. In the meantime, grade 2 classes will remain in the gymnasium, with physical education classes taking part outside and in classrooms. Landscaping may need to be completed in the spring.
- Aurora Traffic Loop update - The Aurora Bus Loop has seen substantial work completed over the summer. To date, the meridian has been placed, sidewalks completed and traffic has been re-routed. Work that needs to be completed includes signage, fencing and landscaping. Traffic flow has already improved and the remaining work, specifically the fencing, should make a substantial difference once completed.
- Drayton Valley Bus Hub update - Substantial work has been done on the Bus Hub development with the land almost ready for paving, line paintings and finishings. An option for a sidewalk on the east side of the street was considered, but was left off of the original design due to the high cost. The estimated completion date for the Bus Hub is the end of October with a goal to have it fully operational early in January 2016.
Working with WRSD stakeholders, an operational and implementation plan is currently being developed for the Bus Hub. Once drafted, the plan will be reviewed by senior management and school administrators and presented to the Board. Test runs are expected to take place in December to ensure the Bus Hub is operating efficiently.