Condor School Reopens Water Fountains

We are pleased to announce that Condor School will now be able to use the regular water supply for human consumption as of January 4, 2016. In the fall of 2013 a routine sample found coliforms in the well. As a result, WRSD was required by Alberta Environment and the Alberta Health Services to fulfill a variety of requirements to ensure safe drinking water. These requirements involved installation of a multistage filtration system, which incorporates a one micron absolute filter element on the domestic water piping system. Water testing will continue as per Alberta Health Services recommendations of once per week for the opening month and will be adjusted after this period.
As well, all of the fountains had to be flushed and microbiological water samples were taken from each fountain. These results have returned as "ABSENT" indicating an absence of coliforms or e.coli and therefore are deemed acceptable for consumption. Based on acceptable results and with the approval of Alberta Health Services and Alberta Environment, the fountains will be placed back into service on January 4, 2016.
We are thrilled to once again be able to have our fountains open for our students,” stated Condor School Principal, Cheryl Kalev. “I greatly appreciate the hard work of everyone involved and I'm thankful students will be able to use the drinking fountains again.”
Click here to view the Alberta Health Services December 2015 Water Test Results.
For more information about this please contact Communications Specialist, Nathan Klosse at 403-845-3376 or