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Condor School Evacuation Incident

Around 8:50am this morning Condor school staff made acting Principal Dean Townsend aware that there was an odor of natural gas in the south end of the building. On investigation, Mr. Townsend noticed a strong odor in some areas of the school that seemed to be increasing. As a precautionary measure, at around 9:20am, Mr. Townsend made the decision to call an early recess and move all students and staff outside into the fresh air.  School division maintenance was called as well as Diamond Valley Gas.

Diamond Valley personnel were able to find a small leak in the boiler room that was releasing enough gas to create an odor but not enough to be harmful to humans or set off gas testing alarms. The gas to the boiler was shut off and flagged for priority repair, which will be repaired as soon as possible. The school was ventilated and the remaining odor dissipated.

After enjoying an extended recess, students and staff were invited back into the school at 10:20am.

If you have further questions or concerns please contact, Miles Trieber, Condor School Principal at 403-729-3868 or Mo Azim, Secretary-Treasurer at 403-845-3376.

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