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Change Comes to the WRSD Board of Trustees

Rocky Mountain House, AB –  At the January 20, 2015 Board Meeting, the Wild Rose School Division Board of Trustees accepted a resignation letter from Chairperson, Nancy McClure. Due to changes in Nancy’s personal, health and family life she felt she was no longer able to fulfill her role as the Board Chairperson and Trustee. Vice Chairperson, Dixie McLeod has indicated her intent to resign after the completion of the Superintendent search due to career and professional demands. She will continue to serve in the capacity of Vice Chairperson in order to support the newly elected Board Chairperson, Mae Tryon.

“I will never forget my time at Wild Rose School Division,” stated Nancy McClure. “The relationships I developed with parents, students, staff and community members will always be something I keep close to my heart.”  

The commitment both of these trustees made to the parents, students and communities within WRSD and their ward is highly demanding. Both individuals felt they were no longer fulfilling the role they committed to undertake when accepting their positions due changing circumstances in their lives.

“Both Nancy and Dixie served in their roles with an incredible amount of vision, inspiration and dedication in the last five years and I want to thank each of them,” stated Chairperson, Mae Tryon. “In particular the work Nancy McClure did as Chairperson to focus on improving the life chances of each student in the care of WRSD was truly admirable and I look forward to continuing this work.”

A by election for both of these positions will likely be held in the spring.

Click here to read the resignation letter for Nancy McClure and click here for the letter of intent to resign from Dixie McLeod.

If you require further information, please contact Nathan Klosse at 403-845-3376 or email

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