Board Highlights - September 20, 2016

Wellness Grant Update
Director of Wellness & Human Services, Darlene Ferris attended the Board Meeting to provide information on the $60,000 Wellness Grant WRSD received this year and the distribution of the money.
Out of Country Field Trips
The Board discussed the previous approval in principle to the following field trip:
- Out of Country Field Trip - West Central High School - Spain and Morocco - Spring Break 2017
It was decided that a letter advising the tour company should be sent in order to advise them of the Board Policy that this field trip can be cancelled at any time should there be a risk to the safety of students.
Bus Contractor Renewal
The Board of Trustees directed the WRSD Secretary Treasurer, Mohammed Azim to obtain tenders for a bussing contractor(s) for the entire School Division. If accepted the new contract will come into place for the 2017-2018 school year.
The following items were discussed in the Superintendent's Report for more information click on the link above:
- 2016-17 Student Enrollment
- ASBA 2016 Premier’s Award for School Board Innovation and Excellence
- Wild Rose School Division 2016 Board Retreat
- Teacher Growth, Supervision & Evaluation Workshop
- FNMI Divisional PD Day
- Outcomes Development Work