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Board Highlights - October 24, 2017

Organizational Meeting Board Representation

At the October 24 Organizational Meeting, the new WRSD Board of Trustees voted to re-elect Russ Hickman as WRSD Board Chair and Heidi Hetherington as Vice Chair.

Organizational Meeting Updates Expense Claim & Trustee Remuneration

The Board of Trustees approved the following changes to the WRSD Expense claim:

Meal allowance rates:

  • Breakfast from $9 to $11
  • Lunch from $12 to $15
  • Supper from $20 to $23

The Board of Trustees approved the following change to their technology rates:

  • $500/term to $800/term plus $50/month connectivity.  

Out of Country Field Trips

The Board of Trustees approved in principle the following field trips:

  • Breton High School field trip to Scotland and Ireland to take place on March 29, 2018.
  • H.W. Pickup School field trip to Spokane, Washington to take place from May 3 - May 7, 2018.

Locally Developed Course Approval

The Board of Trustees approved Advanced Painting Techniques 15-25-35 for use in WRSD.

Print Version - Board Highlights - October 24, 2017


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