Board Highlights - October 17, 2023
Breton Modernization
The Director of Facilities, Director of Instruction and the Principal of Breton High School joined the meeting to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a phased approach, or decanting approach to the Breton High School Modernization. Although it was not a unanimous decision, the Board voted to temporarily vacate Breton High students to Warburg School for the duration of the project. Read the full press release here.
Accountability Reports
The Board heard from the Director of Wellness as she presented the highlights from her 2022-2023 Wellness Accountability Report. There continues to be a lot of complex caseloads, and although numbers seem to be increasing, this means they are identifying and addressing more cases as well.
The Director of Indigenous Education shared her FNMI Accountability Report, and reported on all the good work that the Indigenous Education team has been doing. Two more Indigenous Education Specialists were hired for the 2023-24 school year to continue engaging students and staff in Indigenous culture.
Drayton Valley Field Space
The Board made a motion to send a letter to the Minister of Education requesting permission to spend a portion of reserve funds on the purchase of land to develop a playing field adjacent to Frank Maddock High School and Powerhouse Campus in Drayton Valley.
September 30 Enrolment
Overall, enrolment has increased, across the division, from our initial projection by 40 students, which will mean a slight increase in funding in the future.
National Student Leadership Summit
Frank Maddock High School student participants joined the board meeting to report on their experience at the summit in Indianapolis last July. All of them agreed that it was a very worthwhile event, and they gained many insights and skills for them to use in their own schools and communities.
- University of Alberta Zero fee Tuition Research, National Truth & Reconciliation Week, Alberta School boards Association meeting with Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides, Capital Projects, ECS Screening & Assessment, WRSD Indigenous Education Committee.