Board Highlights - November 24

AERR and Audited Financial Statements
The Board reviewed and approved the 2019-2020 Annual Education Results Report. The board also reviewed the Audited Financial Statements as presented by Alan Litster from BDO, and the Secretary Treasurer, and approved them.
School Calendar
Deputy Superintendent, Greg Wedman presented the Draft 2021-2022 WRSD Staff Calendar, at the October 27, 2020 board meeting with a possible change to the Christmas break. It was put out for feedback and the board approved version 2 of the calendar, with the Christmas break starting midweek.
Condor Replacement School
The initial design for the Condor replacement school included clerestory windows, similar to the windows in the new Evergreen School. Due to the increased costs of the rural build, the south clerestory was cut from the project. The Board approved the spending of reserve funds to cover the cost of adding clerestory windows to the south end of the Condor replacement school.
- Corridor Schools Update, At Home Learning Re-Entry Date November 16, 2020, Learning Services