Board Highlights - May 21, 2019

Board Highlights - May 21, 2019
Wild Rose School Division 2020-2021 Staff Calendar
The WRSD 2020-2021 Calendar was presented and approved in principle. The calendar will be shared for feedback before final approval is requested.
Locally Developed Course Approvals
The Board approved the following locally developed courses for use in Wild Rose School Division:
Musical Theatre 15-25-35 (5 Credits)
Paleontology 15-25-35 (3 or 5 Credits)
Advanced Acting/Touring Theatre 15-25-35 (3 or 5 Credits)
Advanced Painting Techniques 15-25-35 (5 Credits)
Creative Writing and Publishing 15-25-35 (3 or 5 Credits)
Class V Driver Training 35 (3 Credits)
Avid Readers 25-35 (5 Credits)
Popular Music in the 20th Century 35 (3 Credits)
Student Transportation
Due to financial restrictions and legislative changes and pending successful negotiations, the Board approved contracting student transportation in the south to Prairie Bus Lines and selling the bus fleet and sell / lease the Transportation / Maintenance Building.
- This month the Superintendent’s report included three different reports celebrating the excellent work our staff is doing that is being recognized outside of our division. Please read the full report for details on WRSD Technology, Learning Services Presentation and Provincial PowerSchool User Group, as well as information on the SRO vacancy, ASBA Youth Summit, Health & Safety Committee Update and the Condor Sensory Room grant.