Board Highlights - March 19, 2019

Board Highlights - March 19, 2019
Out of Country Field Trips
The Board of Trustees gave approval in principle to Breton High School for a proposed field trip in April 2020 to London, Paris and Italy. They also gave final approval to HW Pickup School for their field trip in May to Spokane Washington for the Bloomsday Run.
2020-2023 Three Year Capital Plan
The Board was presented with, and subsequently approved a capital plan that has four priorities:
Priority 1 - Corridor Schools: Modernize Condor, New Leslieville High School, and close David Thompson High School
Priority 2 - HW Pickup School Slab on Grade Movement
Priority 3 - Right-size Breton Schools
Priority 4 - Frank Maddock High School: CTS Reconfiguration & Modernization
WRSD Advocacy News Release
WRSD is an advocate for public education. With the coming provincial election, the WRSD Board of Trustees has prepared a news release in order to raise awareness to the challenges we are facing as a rural school division.
- Corridor School’s Capital Plan update
- Guideline for Supporting Students with Type 1 Diabetes in Schools
- OH&S Update
- Umbrella School Council meeting
- First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education Gathering
- Indigenous Languages in Education Grant
- Dual Credit Grant