Board Highlights - June 20, 2023

Organizational Meeting
The Board elected Daryl Scott as Board Chair, and Heidi Hetherington as Vice Chair for a third term for the 2023-2024 school year. The 2023-2024 Board Work Plan, Board Committees and regular Board Meeting dates were reviewed and approved. Trustees declared any potential conflicts of interest and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of having more than 3 people on certain committees.
The Associate Superintendent Business and Finance reviewed the proposed JUPA with the Town of Rocky Mountain House and the Red Deer Catholic School Division, and will bring it back to the board in August for approval.
Corridor Bussing
The Director of Transportation joined the meeting to review the changes to the bus routes in the corridor for the 2023-2024 school year. There has been an additional route added, which will result in shorter average ride times for students.
School Storage Concerns
Trustees are hearing that there is not enough storage space at the new schools. The board is going to advocate to Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure to provide adequate storage in all new school builds and modernizations.
- Health & Safety Committee, Breton School Modernization project partnership meeting, Honouring Spirit Indigenous Student Awards, The Four Seaons: Land-based Learning, WRSD 2023 Long Service Awards and Retirement Dinner, Capital Projects.