Board Highlights - June 19, 2018

Organizational Meeting
At the June 19, 2018 organizational meeting, Russ Hickman was declared board chair, and Julie Andrew was elected by drawn ballot to the vice-chair position.
Out of Country Field Trips
Final approval was granted to the Frank Maddock HIgh School field trip to Indianapolis for the National Student Leadership Summit in July.
Accountability Report
The results for the 2018 Accountability Pillar report were reviewed. WRSD 2018 achievement results have been ranked as “high” in six measures. In comparison to our previous 3 year average, our 2018 achievement results have been ranked as “improved” in five measures. Wild Rose School Division had encouraging results in the area of FNMI achievement, which was higher than the provincial average in 6 out of 9 measures. Click here for more details.
Teacher Transfer Appeal
The board heard an appeal for a teacher transfer and made a motion to uphold the original management decision.
- Corridor Schools Value Management and Capital Plan
- Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. Sponsorship
- Culture Camps
- Program Unit Funding
- ECS Wellness Screen
- 2019 Alberta Rural Education Symposium