Board Highlights - June 16, 2020

Organizational Meeting
At the June 16, 2020 organizational meeting, Russ Hickman was declared board chair, and Julie Andrew was declared vice-chair. The board approved the 2020-2021 Meeting Dates, the 2020-2021 Committee Appointments, the 2020-2021 Work Plan, and no change to the Current Compensation Rates.
Learning Services 2019-2020 Accountability Report
The Director of Learning and the Learning Services Coordinator presented their accountability report for the current school year. They finished the year with a surplus budget, in part because the expenses of the new curriculum have not been incurred yet. One highlight was the completion of the digitization of all Student cumulative records, this was done with minimal cost to the division.
Board Discussions
- Re-entry next fall was discussed, and the planning that is taking place to make sure we are prepared for all scenarios.
- The board also discussed the upcoming graduation celebrations that have been altered to meet the current AHS Covid-19 criteria. A videotaped message from the board was shared with our graduating students and schools.
- Trustees shared their experiences with the many electronic meetings they joined over the past few months and what worked well and what they would like to see continue.
- 2020-2021 School Re-entry Plans, Health & Safety Committee, HW Pickup Monitoring, Repsol Resource Grant Material Purchase, Summer School.