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Board Highlights - January 21, 2020

Board Highlights - January 21, 2020

New Seclusion & Physical Restraint Administrative Procedure

Proposed Administrative Procedure 349 was reviewed and feedback from the board was discussed and some minor edits were suggested.  This new AP has been posted on our website and sent to all stakeholders for review. We will be collecting feedback until February 10, 2020.

White Activity Buses

Our Director of Transportation presented on the current white activity buses and the regulations required of drivers to drive these buses.  Currently, our buses are old enough that our drivers do not require “S” endorsements. However, if we replace them with newer models, our drivers will need to be at minimum, “S” endorsed.  We reviewed what other divisions are currently using for white activity buses, and what other options our schools may have.


Corridor Schools

The approved school capital projects in the corridor were discussed and the board committed to spending the necessary funds to ensure the project moves forward efficiently and within the proposed timelines.  We are expecting to post a news release with further details in mid February.


Superintendent’s Report 

  • New Seclusion & Physical Restraint Administrative Procedure, Indigenouse Languages in Education Grant, Drayton Valley, Before and After School Program, Professional Development for Student Support Facilitators, Train the Trainer in Studio 3, Drayton Valley Educational Assistants Conference, February 6, Bill 201 & Epi-Pen information, West Central High School Music Teacher Honoured.

Print Version - Board Highlights - January 21, 2020 

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