Board Highlights - August 21, 2018

Updated Corridor Capital Plan
The Board of Trustees reviewed all the options and voted to approve submitting the Capital Plan requesting the demolition of David Thompson High School and remediation of the sewage lagoon, a replacement school for Leslieville and a modernization of Condor School, pending the letter we require from Clearwater County regarding the sewage lagoon upgrades.
2018-2019 Planning
The Board work plan was reviewed and amended, dates were set for School Council Umbrella meetings and school tours. The board discussed their desire to meet with our local MLA’s, our neighbouring Catholic School Divisions, and our village, town and county representatives.
Eldorado School
Trustees read and reviewed the August 14 article in the Drayton Valley Western Review regarding the homeless use of the green area behind Eldorado and Drayton Christian Schools. Letters will be sent to the Town of Drayton Valley and the RCMP.
Monthly Fiscal Report
Secretary Treasurer Ama Urbinsky presented the monthly fiscal report that showed our division will end in a deficit for the 2017-2018 school year.
- Superintendent’s summer work
- Evergreen Elementary School Replacement School update
- Fall 2018 ThoughtExchange engagement
- New Curriculum update
- Summer 2018 - Leaders & Learners Magazine
- Coding Program hosted by WRSD