August 26 Re-Entry Update

Recently Alberta Education stated that all school divisions have individual autonomy and flexibility as to when they begin in-person classes for the 2020-21 school year. Minister LaGrange stated, “All school boards have been provided the opportunity to delay or stagger school start dates should they decide that is in their local best interest.”
After much discussion, WRSD has made the decision to designate the first four days of the school year, from August 31 to September 3, as staggered start days where only a few students attend each day. This gives schools four days to teach and practice the many new protocols being put into place with a limited number of students in the school each day. Schools will contact their families directly to let them know which of the staggered day(s) their children are to attend.
Friday, September 4 will be a day with no students at school. This will be a staff day so that schools can review how the first four staggered days went and can make any needed adjustments prior to September 8 which will be the first day all students are to be at school.
There will be no staggered start for those students that have chosen teacher directed at-home learning. They will be contacted by their assigned teacher sometime during the week of Aug 31 to September 4. Their instruction will begin on September 8.
We understand the anxiety many of our students and families might be feeling regarding re-entry. Please know that we are closely monitoring and following the expert guidelines being provided to us by Alberta Education and the Chief Medical Officer. For further details regarding how these guidelines will be implemented in Wild Rose School Division, please see the WRSD Re-Entry Guidelines.
We are confident that as we all work together to implement and follow the guidelines that have been put in place, students and staff will have a safe and successful start to the 2020-21 school year.