August 26, 2022 Board Highlights

Meeting with the Minister of Education
Senior Administration and the Board of Trustees have an opportunity to meet with the Minister of Education in September. They have been requested to limit their discussion to two topics, so they reviewed their priorities and strategies and will gather all relevant information prior to the meeting.
Policy Committee Recommendations
The board approved the recommendations made by the policy committee for changes to Policy 2 - Role of the Board and Policy 7 - Board Operations.
Emergency Response Plan
The Board reviewed the new Emergency Response Plan for the Division and provided feedback where necessary.
WRSD System Review
The Board reviewed the proposals for the system review and directed Administration to move forward with the proposal that will meet the additional parameters discussed. This review will be scheduled this fall and will examine the school division’s operations in order to improve processes, create efficiencies and ensure appropriate use of resources all while meeting stakeholder’s expectations.
- Recent Government of Alberta Funding Announcements, 2022-2023 Public Health Nursing and Immunization Program in Schools, Capital Project(s) Update, Summer CASS Conference, Summer School, Summer Institute, Richardson’s ground squirrels in Caroline.