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Air Quality Report

The results of the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessment done at Lochearn on August 22, 2014 are now available. The general conclusion was, “All viable mould air tests were acceptable in all test areas inside the school. This indicates continued safe levels of airborne mould within the school."

They did recommend the replacement of 5 discoloured ceiling tiles, the continuation of air testing every three months and to maintain a visual lookout for signs of mould or water staining.

Lochearn School Air Quality Report

As requested, on August 22, 2014 viable mould air testing was conducted at the Lochearn Elementary School in Rocky Mountain House. The air testing was performed to ensure that mould levels within the school remain acceptable until roofing repairs are completed. Test locations were chosen by you and the school principle and included the previous areas of concern. Eight (8) air samples were taken, seven (7) inside the school and one (1) outside as a comparison. The air samples were taken to Enviro-Works Inc., a private lab in Edmonton, for analysis.

Viable Mould Criteria:

For interpretation of viable mould air test results, Alberta Infrastructure refers to the 1995 publication (revised 2004) by Health Canada entitled “Fungal Contamination in Public Buildings: A guide to recognition and management”. In this publication it states when to sample and how to interpret viable mould air test results.

In 2009, the Alberta Government- Employment and Immigration Department also produced a “Best Practices Mould at the Work Site” guide that also states when to sample and how to interpret viable mould air test results, and references the same 1995 Health Canada information.

Health Canada (as of 2012) now states they generally do not recommend air testing since people have different sensitivities to mould and therefore it is not possible to establish safe limits for mould.

Alberta Infrastructure recognizes this, but still believes that air testing is necessary in certain circumstances. For mould investigations we will continue to air test when we believe it will add value to the findings of the investigation. Results will still be compared to the 1995 Health Canada publication.

The 1995 Health Canada publication states that a maximum total count of up to 150 CFU/M3 is acceptable inside a building, and that each type of mould within the total count should be no more than 50 CFU/M3 (other than outside moulds like Cladosporium or Alternaria which can be as high as 500 CFU/M3).


  • All viable mould air tests were acceptable in all test areas inside the school. This indicates continued safe levels of airborne mould within the school. 
  • You stated the roofing repairs have not been completed as yet. In a recent tender, only one bid was received that was over budget. Scope of work adjustment and re-tender to be done by the school board.
  • A few previous water stained ceiling tiles (brown stained) were found throughout the school, although no visible mould was present on them. Ceiling tiles were dry. These are noted on the floor plan (5 tiles total).
  • There were no signs of visible mould in the areas tested.


  1. Replace the previous water stained ceiling tiles (brown discolored) throughout the school, with new ceiling tiles (5 tiles total). Monitor regularly for any new water leakage and promptly dry out correct.
  2. Continue to monitor monthly for signs of visible mould or water staining throughout the building until roof repairs have been made.
  3. Continue mould air testing every three (3) months until roof repairs have been made. Given this schedule, the next tests would occur late November, 2014 (test when school is unoccupied; PD Day or similar).

Lochearn School - Mould Test Results

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