Acquisition of New Playing Field in Drayton Valley

Wild Rose School Division is pleased to announce that we have purchased land adjacent to the Frank Maddock High School and the new Powerhouse Campus in the Town of Drayton Valley. The legal land description is Plan 0626435, Block 211, Lot 54. This space will be used to meet the physical education and extracurricular needs of our students in Frank Maddock High School, HW Pickup Middle School and Drayton Christian School. The need for this additional field space is a result of the school division having to build the new Powerhouse campus on an existing playing field. The loss of this playing field combined with the addition of two more schools next to Frank Maddock High School made this purchase necessary. We invite our local municipalities and any other interested parties to partner with us in the development of this property into a usable playing field for physical education classes, extra curricular athletic teams and community use.