2023-2024 School Year Calendar Feedback

The development of a school year calendar is no easy task. WRSD shares communities and bussing with both STAR Catholic School Division and Red Deer Catholic School Division and our borders touch seven other school divisions. The interests and needs of students, teachers, parents and the community are all taken into consideration when balancing calendar decisions between educational and family needs, preferences and values. Diploma exam dates for high school students are set by the province and can be accessed here. Provincial Achievement Test (PAT) dates for grades 6 & 9 can be accessed here.
The draft calendar was approved by the WRSD Board of Trustees in October of 2022. The North (Drayton Valley & Breton) calendar is available here and the South (Rocky Mountain House, Caroline & Condor / Leslieville areas) calendar is available here. There are minor, but important differences between the two.
It was also developed with consideration of the feedback from previous calendars.
We welcome feedback from all stakeholders. To provide feedback, please use the form available here. Feedback will be accepted up to January 10, 2023. The final version of the calendar will be presented to the Board for approval at the January 24, 2023 Board meeting.